Print Materials

  1. Awning Strips (2) - Signarama (Downtown San Diego)

  2. Circular Door Signs (2) - Signarama (Downtown San Diego)

  3. Framed Images (4) - EgoID

  4. Promotional Sticker - “Fuck Normal (Large, Prominent), Creative Hair Space/Instagram Handle/Website, Postiche Wig Shop, Instagram Handle/Website (Smaller)”

  5. Embroidered Tags - Around .5x2in “Designed by Al Banuelos, @postichewigshop” - qty 100

  6. Bag - Circle with Normal Collective on one side, Circle with Postiche Wig Shop on the other Side, Possibly Green Text, Possibly Black Bag

  7. String Tags - Around 2in Diameter Circles, Writable on one side, “Postiche/Postiche Wig Shop” on the other - qty 100

  8. Round Stickers - One Set for Postiche, One Set for Normal Collective, Both writable, Size possibly slightly larger than a quarter - 100 -

Door Signs - 14 inch Diameter - Signarama (Downtown San Diego)

Promotional Stickers - add website - 4x4 inches

(Start with the top)

Bags - Possibly Green Bag with Black Circles


Embroidered Tags - .5x2in


Hang Tags - 3 inch diameter Start with yellow background


Price Tag Stickers - lightly larger than a quarter - Start with the first two


Door Sign Variations


Framed Images - Variations


Rough Prices for Window Stickers from Jim at EgoId:

Window Decal (Single Window)

a) Larger Size: 72in x 12 in = $48
b) Smaller Size: 35in x 12in =$35

Door Sign (Single Door)

a) Larger Size: 17in x 28in = $30
b) Smaller Size: 10in x 10in =$30

Note: Frame Positions/Sizing Variable


Content for Signage:

Normal Collective

Creative Hair Space

Bookings: QR Code


{Dimensions accurate to a couple inches}


Color Scheme with Hex Codes, Pink: #f2309b, Green: #16f224, Neon Yellow: #fefb00


Type Sample: All Futura Medium


Duotone Process, One Color Ink, Pink: #f2309b (Matches Website Pink)


Duotone Process Reference (Adobe Photoshop)


Duotone Process (White Background)


Duotone Process: Black + Pink


Futura Bold


Futura Bold


Futura Extra Bold


Futura Bold


All Futura Version 2


Letter Gothic, Futura


Eurostile, Futura